When Do Babies Get Eyebrows? (Read This First!)

The development of a baby’s physical features, including eyebrows and eyelashes, is a topic of curiosity for many new parents.

Eyebrows are not just a facial feature; they play a significant role in facial expression and protection of the eyes. If you are a parent and are curious about the question, “When do babies get eyebrows?”, this article is for you!

In this write-up, we will explore various aspects of eyebrow development in babies, from their presence at birth to their eventual growth and coloration.

When Do Babies Get Eyebrows?

Are Babies Born With Eyebrows?

Yes, babies do have eyebrows at birth, although they may not be immediately noticeable. These initial eyebrows are often very fine and light in color, making them difficult to see.

The eyebrows are formed during the prenatal stage of development when hair follicles start to develop all over the body.

The visibility of a newborn’s eyebrows largely depends on their genetic makeup, which influences hair color and thickness.

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When do Babies Get Eyebrows?

The growth of a baby’s eyebrows begins in the womb. Around the 22nd week of pregnancy, the development of fine hair known as lanugo occurs, which includes the area where the eyebrows will form.

However, the visibility and prominence of these eyebrows at birth can vary significantly among infants. After birth, the timeline for the development of more noticeable eyebrows differs from one baby to another.

Typically, most babies start to show more distinct eyebrows around the age of 3 to 4 months. This development is a natural process and is influenced by genetic factors.

The hair becomes thicker and more pigmented over time, making the eyebrows more apparent as the baby grows older.

Could Lack of Eyebrows in Babies Be a Symptom of Something Else?

While most babies are born with fine, light-colored eyebrows that may be hard to see, in rare instances, a lack of eyebrow development can signal underlying health issues.

It’s important for parents to understand that variations in eyebrow growth are generally normal, but certain conditions can affect this development.

Hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland is underactive, can lead to sparse hair growth, including in the eyebrow area.

Genetic disorders, such as certain forms of ectodermal dysplasia, may also result in absent or scant eyebrows. Additionally, nutritional deficiencies can impact hair growth, potentially affecting eyebrows and eyelashes.

If a baby exhibits other symptoms alongside the absence or delayed growth of eyebrows, such as developmental delays, skin abnormalities, or unusual hair patterns elsewhere on the body, it’s advisable to consult a pediatrician.

A healthcare professional can assess whether the lack of eyebrow and eyelash growth is part of normal variation or indicative of a medical concern requiring further investigation or intervention.

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Are There Factors That Could Lead to Babies Getting Eyebrows Quicker

Several factors can influence the rate at which babies develop more noticeable eyebrows and eyelashes:

  • Genetics: The primary determinant of eyebrow growth rate and appearance is genetics. If parents or close relatives had early eyebrow development, it’s more likely the baby will too.
  • Nutritional Status: Adequate nutrition is crucial for all aspects of a baby’s development, including hair growth. A well-balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals can support healthy hair growth.
  • Hormonal Levels: Babies’ hormonal balances, especially thyroid hormones, play a role in hair growth. Normal thyroid function can promote timely hair development, including eyebrows.
  • Ethnicity: Ethnic background can influence hair growth patterns. Some ethnic groups may naturally experience quicker or thicker eyebrow growth due to genetic predispositions.
  • Overall Health: A baby’s general health can impact hair growth. Healthy babies, free from medical conditions that could affect hair development, might grow eyebrows quicker.

It’s important to note that these factors can vary widely, and the timing of eyebrow development can differ significantly among infants, often without indicating any health issues.

Why are Babies’ Eyebrows so Light?

Babies’ eyebrows are typically very light for a few key reasons:

1. Lack of Melanin: Melanin is the pigment that gives hair its color. At birth and during early infancy, babies have lower levels of melanin in their hair follicles. This results in lighter-colored hair, including eyebrows. As babies grow, melanin production increases, leading to the gradual darkening of their hair.

2. Fine Hair Texture: The hair of newborns, including their eyebrows, is usually very fine and thin. This type of hair, known as vellus hair, is less pigmented and softer than the thicker, more pigmented terminal hair that develops as they age.

3. Genetic Factors: A baby’s genetic makeup plays a significant role in determining hair color. Some babies are genetically predisposed to have lighter hair, which includes their eyebrows.

The light color of a baby’s eyebrows is a normal part of development and usually changes as they grow older and develop more melanin in their hair.

Is it Possible to Darken a Baby’s Eyebrows?

It is not advisable to attempt to artificially darken a baby’s eyebrows. Babies’ eyebrows are naturally light due to lower melanin levels and will darken over time as they age.

The skin and hair of infants are extremely delicate, and applying any chemicals, dyes, or other substances to darken their eyebrows could be harmful.

These products can be irritating or even toxic to a baby’s sensitive skin. Additionally, there’s a risk of causing an allergic reaction or injury, especially if the substance comes into contact with the baby’s eyes.

The natural process of hair darkening will occur as the child grows and develops more melanin. It’s important to allow this process to happen naturally and avoid any interventions that could harm the baby’s health or development.

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Do Babies Eyebrows Determine Hair Color?

Not necessarily. The color of a baby’s eyebrows can provide a clue about their future hair color, but it is not a definitive predictor.

In many cases, the color of a baby’s eyebrows is lighter than their eventual hair color, especially since babies typically have less melanin in their hair at birth.

As they grow older, the production of melanin increases, which can lead to changes in hair color. It’s not uncommon for a baby’s hair color to change during the first few years of life, often becoming darker.

In essence, while there might be a correlation between eyebrow color and hair color, it’s important to note that this is not a guaranteed indicator. Genetic factors and the natural process of aging play significant roles in determining a child’s hair color over time.

Do Babies Get Eyebrows and Eyelashes at the Same Time?

Babies develop both eyebrows and eyelashes around the same period during fetal development. This occurs when they are in the womb:

  • Eyebrows and Eyelashes Formation: The development of fine hair, known as lanugo, starts around the 22nd week of pregnancy. Lanugo covers the fetus’s body, including the areas where eyebrows and eyelashes will eventually grow.
  • Visibility After Birth: After birth, the visibility of these features can vary. Eyelashes are often more noticeable earlier than eyebrows. This is because eyelashes tend to be darker and slightly thicker than the very fine, light-colored hair of newborn eyebrows.
  • Developmental Differences: While both features develop around the same time in utero, the rate at which they become prominent post-birth can differ between babies. Some infants may have more visible eyelashes at birth, with eyebrows becoming more apparent as they grow older.

In summary, while eyebrows and eyelashes develop concurrently during fetal growth, their visibility and growth patterns after birth can vary, influenced by genetic and developmental factors.

Should I Be Worried That My Baby Doesn’t Have Eyebrows and Eyelashes After 1 Year?

If your baby doesn’t have noticeable eyebrows and eyelashes after 1 year, it’s usually not a cause for immediate concern.

Eyebrow and eyelash growth varies significantly among babies, influenced by genetic and developmental factors. Some babies naturally have finer, lighter hair, making their eyebrows and eyelashes less visible.

However, if the lack of eyebrow and eyelash growth is accompanied by other developmental concerns or if you notice any other unusual symptoms, it’s prudent to consult a pediatrician.

A healthcare professional can assess whether this is part of your baby’s normal growth pattern or if it indicates a potential underlying health issue. In most cases, this is a normal variation in development, but a medical opinion can provide reassurance and guidance.

FAQs on Babies’ Eyebrows and Eyelashes

Yes, it is common for babies to have lighter or darker eyebrows and eyelashes compared to their hair color. This difference in pigmentation is usually temporary and may change as your baby gets older.

In some cases, the lack of eyebrows can indicate an underlying medical condition. It's best to consult with a pediatrician who can assess your baby's overall health and determine if further evaluation is necessary.

Yes, certain conditions like Hypothyroidism, congenital atrichia, Setleis syndrome, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, or albinism can cause the absence or abnormal growth of eyebrows and eyelashes in infants. If you suspect a medical condition, seek professional medical advice.

It is generally not recommended to use cosmetics or any products on a baby's eyebrows or eyelashes without the guidance of a healthcare professional. Babies' skin is delicate and more prone to irritation.

Every baby develops at their own pace, but typically, eyebrows and eyelashes start to become more noticeable by the age of 3 to 6 months. However, variations exist, and some babies may take longer.

Generally, babies' eyebrows and eyelashes require minimal care. Gently clean the area during bathing using a mild baby shampoo and a soft washcloth. Avoid rubbing or pulling on the hair to prevent any potential damage.


Understanding the timeline and development of eyebrows in babies can help ease any worries parents may have. Remember that every child is unique, and variations in growth rates are normal.

If you have concerns about your baby’s eyebrow growth or any other aspect of their development, always consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

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