Why Babies Stick Tongue Out? (Quick Facts)

Babies have a fascinating way of expressing themselves, and one of the common behaviors they exhibit is sticking their tongues out.

While it may seem cute and amusing, many parents wonder why babies do this and what it signifies. In this article, we will see why babies stick tongue out.

Why Babies Stick Tongue Out?

Developmental Milestones

1. Discovery and Sensory Exploration (0-6 months): Newborns instinctively stick out their tongues as part of the rooting reflex, essential for breastfeeding. As they grow, this action becomes part of sensory exploration, helping them learn about their surroundings and their own body.

2. Imitation and Social Interaction (6-12 months): By 6 months, babies start imitating facial expressions and movements they see, which includes sticking out the tongue. It becomes a playful action and a way to interact socially with caregivers and others.

3. Teething (4-7 months onwards): As teeth start to emerge, babies might stick out their tongue to relieve gum discomfort or react to the new sensation in their mouth.

4. Taste and Texture Exploration (around 6 months): When introduced to solid foods, babies use their tongues to explore different textures and tastes, often sticking them out in response to new and unfamiliar flavors.


Babies communicate in various ways before they can speak. Sticking their tongue out is one of the non-verbal cues they use to express themselves.

For example, a baby may stick their tongue out to indicate hunger. It can be their way of saying, “I’m ready to eat!” Similarly, after a satisfying feeding session, a baby might stick their tongue out as a sign of contentment.

Sticking the tongue out can also be a form of social communication. Babies often imitate the facial expressions of their parents or caregivers, so if they see someone sticking their tongue out, they may do the same to engage and interact.

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Medical Considerations

1. Tongue Thrust Reflex

Babies are born with a natural reflex called the tongue thrust reflex. This reflex helps protect them from choking by automatically pushing out foreign objects from their mouth.

You may notice that when something touches the front of their mouth, they instinctively stick their tongue out to push it away.

This reflex typically diminishes as babies grow older and gain more control over their tongue movements.

2. Down Syndrome and Other Conditions

Persistent tongue protrusion can sometimes indicate underlying conditions such as Down Syndrome or other neurological issues. It’s important to observe if this behavior is accompanied by other developmental delays or symptoms.

3. Dental Issues and Airway Obstruction

In some cases, persistent tongue thrust or constant protrusion of the tongue can be a sign of underlying dental issues or airway obstruction.

Swollen tonsils, adenoids, or allergies can cause constrictions in the throat, leading to tongue protrusion. If you notice persistent and abnormal tongue behavior, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

They can assess your baby’s overall health and determine if any intervention or treatment is necessary.

4. Tongue-Tie (Ankyloglossia)

A condition where the tongue’s range of motion is restricted, possibly leading to frequent tongue protrusion.

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Parental Response When Babies Stick Out Their Tongues

1. Observation and Engagement

Parents should observe the context in which the baby sticks out their tongue. Is it during interaction, feeding, or teething? Engaging in mimicry can also be a playful way to bond and encourage social development.

2. Consult Healthcare Professionals

If there are concerns about excessive tongue protrusion or other developmental issues, consulting a pediatrician is essential. They can provide guidance and, if necessary, referrals to specialists.

3. Encouragement and Reassurance

Encouraging the baby through positive interactions and providing comfort during teething or feeding times is beneficial. Also, understanding that this is a common part of development can reassure parents.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Babies can start sticking out their tongues from birth as part of the rooting reflex, essential for breastfeeding. As they grow, this behavior evolves and can be seen more frequently around 4-6 months.

In newborns, sticking out the tongue can be associated with the rooting reflex, which is a sign of hunger. However, as babies grow, this behavior can have various meanings, not just hunger.

Yes, it can be. Babies often stick their tongues out more frequently when they are teething, either due to discomfort in the gums or the sensation of new teeth.

Occasional tongue protrusion is normal, but if it is excessive or accompanied by other symptoms, it's a good idea to consult a pediatrician to rule out any medical issues.

While it's usually a normal behavior, consistent tongue protrusion can sometimes indicate conditions like Down Syndrome or neurological issues, especially if accompanied by other developmental delays.

You can engage with your baby by mimicking them, as this can be a playful interaction and a form of early communication. If you have concerns about the behavior, consult with a healthcare professional.

Tongue movements are part of oral motor development, which is related to speech development. However, simple tongue protrusion in infancy is more about exploration and less about speech.

The frequency and reasons for tongue protrusion change as babies grow. It's more common in the first year and usually decreases as they develop more control over their tongue and mouth.

Yes, when babies start eating solids, they might stick out their tongue in response to new flavors or textures, either because they dislike the taste or are just surprised by the new sensation.

Conclusion: Why Babies Stick Tongue Out.

The act of babies sticking out their tongues is typically a normal and healthy part of their development, playing a role in sensory exploration, communication, and responding to physical changes like teething.

However, being observant and responsive to the context and frequency of this behavior is crucial for parents, helping them differentiate between normal developmental stages and potential medical concerns.

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